Franci Girard

Courtesy of The Sixes.

Courtesy of The Sixes.

Age || 34

Company Name || The Sixes

Job Title ||  Founder

Years Living In New York || Whole Life

Company Start Date || Oct 2019

Social Handles || @thesixesnyc

Company Website || The Sixes

What did you want to be while growing up?

I wanted to be a fashion designer.

What made you interested in starting The Sixes?

I’m 6’1 and I’ve been close to this height since I was in about 4th grade. I also grew up in the fashion capital of the world and I was always really inspired by how the women I’d see in the city used fashion as a form of self expression. Because of my height it always took a bit of work to find clothes that fit me properly and accurately depicted my taste and appreciation for unique fashion pieces. I built The Sixes because I wanted to create a space for women like me to not only find fashion pieces that fit them perfectly but also feel empowered and celebrated.

How did your background prepare you for creating this brand?

My best asset is that I am my customer which allows me to create products that I know will speak to them both in terms of quality and aesthetic. I understand the pain points involved in shopping when you aren’t “standard size” so I’m able to use that perspective to anticipate what my customer might need. In addition, I think having a background in business has made me really disciplined about building a company with strong fundamentals.

How do you define success?

I feel successful when I’m able to execute on a goal that I’ve set for myself. I also find success in helping those around me. With The Sixes, being successful means continuing to build a great business in addition to a brand that really serves the consumer and makes her feel great.

Courtesy of The Sixes.

Courtesy of The Sixes.

What is the most important thing you’ve learned as a business owner?

It’s a marathon not a sprint. It takes a ton of discipline and perseverance to build and run a successful business and some days are harder than others. It’s important to understand your North Star—your why. A lot of times that understanding is what gives me the stamina to keep pushing forward.

What is your creative process like for designing products? 

It’s never ending. I’m constantly inspired by people, nature, art, news..the list goes on. I have a ton of folders of inspiration that I’m constantly building. When it comes time to design a product, I go back through that inspiration and also take into account what I think is missing in the marketplace for my customer. For me, the design process is really collaborative. I work with a technical designer to bring the products that I want to make to life, mostly because I am not a classically trained designer, but also because I tend to do my best work when in collaboration with others.

How does The Sixes fill a space that was missing in the market? 

We provide high quality fashion products to a woefully underserved market, tall women. We are focused on not only providing great fitting clothing to her, but also on nailing the brand piece of the equation which is meant to create a destination for these women that gives them a sense of belonging and pride.

What is your go-to motivational quote and/or personal motto?

“To whom much is given, much is required.”

Which women inspire you?

My mother is a big inspiration. I got my passion, work ethic, and commitment from her. 

Courtesy of The Sixes.

Courtesy of The Sixes.

What has been the most rewarding thing since starting out?

I get a lot of messages from young girls and mothers who love the clothing but, beyond that, also feel grateful that someone is focusing specifically on addressing their needs. I remember what it was like being bullied as a lanky kid. It feels good to connect with customers, young people in particular, to compare notes on our shared experiences.

How do you overcome moments of self-doubt?

I have a really strong support system of friends and family who are really great at giving pep talks. As an entrepreneur, especially a solo entrepreneur,  it is very important to have great people around you who can provide perspective when you aren’t feeling 100%. 

How do you handle situations where you feel overwhelmed?

Exercise, taking a long walk, reading and/or watching a show to get my mind off of whatever is causing me to be overwhelmed typically helps. Taking a break to do any or all of those things often gives me the space and time to refocus and come back to the task at hands with renewed energy and, oftentimes, new perspective.

What advice would you give to other women trying to enter your field?

Do a lot of research ahead of time to understand the gaps in the market and the value proposition you intend to offer your customers. The direct to consumer (DTC) space is really crowded and the best brands have a strong understanding of how they will serve their consumers in a unique way. The other thing that I’d say is to start talking to customers before your product is fully baked. A lot of times the assumptions that you have about what your customer needs might be totally wrong. Checking in during the ideation or development process can save you a lot of time and money.

What are some of your goals moving forward for The Sixes?

We are still a new brand so much of my focus is on increasing brand awareness and partnering with brands and individuals we feel an authentic connection with.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity

Sarah Fielding