Allison Moses

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Age || 50+

Company Name || Allison Daniel Designs (ADD)

Job Title ||  Founder 

Location || Westport, CT

Social Handles || @allisondanield

Company Website || Allison Daniel Designs (ADD)

What did you want to be while growing up? 

I started making jewelry at the age of seven or eight. I grew up having a step-father who owned a button factory and used to steal his buttons to make my own beaded and ribbon barrette accessories. I felt inspired since I was a young girl and eventually started making intricate jewelry with metals, stones, and other jewels. It’s what I’ve been doing forever.

What’s the best piece of advice you were given when you were starting Allison Daniel Designs? 

Starting a business from scratch is no easy task, and evidently, like many other entrepreneurs, I’ve encountered a fair share of rejection and challenges. But, one thing I’ve learned along the way is to always trust my gut when it comes to making business decisions. And what I like to say is: never let anyone dull your sparkle.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

What is your creative process like? 

I like to act on my ideas unconventionally. Forget that traditional business plan, what I do best is getting lost in my ideas and simply acting on them. I let that creative freedom override me and use it to motivate my actions thereafter. 

How do you define success? 

Happiness. I believe that the secret to success is first finding that passion that makes you smile the most, and the success will soon follow. The thought isn’t success first, then happiness—it’s happiness, then success. That’s the simple ingredient to the pursuit. 

What is the most important thing you’ve learned since starting out?

An entrepreneur’s passion is always, always transparent to its customers. Remember: stick with your heart out. Keep that dialogue in your mind at the highest frequency. 

What is your go-to motivational quote? 

Obsessed with happy. 

What made you interested in starting Allison Daniel Designs?

ADD was established in 1996 and has gone through many different transitions. First starting out, I was known for making large beaded necklaces, then moved onto other mediums like painting glass, ceramics, and belts before ultimately continuing with jewelry. 

My jewelry brand stems from my love for the arts. Jewelry is a piece of art and bringing it to life happens when it’s mixed with the personality wearing it and the style that person pulls together. You will get compliments when you wear jewelry that speaks to you, regardless of price point. Also, ADD, beside being an eponymous brand, takes on a double meaning: I have ADD, attention deficit disorder. Through my own passion for jewelry design, I’ve been able to channel my hyperactivity and even use it to my advantage on always being able to multitask on projects. 

Do you have a personal motto? 

Live your best life. You only get one.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Which women inspire you? 

Those who are willing to work with others—business thrives on collaboration, an openness to new ideas, and the ability to be adaptive to a non-linear path. This collaboration brings the best results, inspires creativity, and broadens possibilities. I’m always interested in hearing new ideas: contact me at

How do you overcome moments of self-doubt?

Everyone’s got their bad days; it’s perfectly natural and sometimes even offers a new perspective to what I’m working on. Some stop and get their success along the way while others are walking the long road on their own. I tell myself to always just keep moving forward and don’t look back. And for the walk, not sprint, it’s nowhere near over—so many exciting things to come. 

How do you balance your schedule? 

Balance in a schedule is all dedicated to having a strong mindset. Work hard, play hard. I’m an early riser, which means I start my day at 5:00 am by reconsidering late night’s thoughts and with a big fat cup of coffee. By 9 am, I’ve conquered the day; from drawing out new jewelry designs, sourcing materials, editing mood boards to updating my website. It’s hardly rocket science, but plotting a to-do list on a matrix immediately eliminates the unnecessary and makes the necessary more visible and approachable. 

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

Courtesy of Allison Daniel Designs.

How do you handle situations where you feel overwhelmed? 

Honestly, I rarely get overwhelmed and think that has to do with the gift of my ADD. The busier, the better. I love getting lost in my studio for hours at a time that sometimes it’s even hard to get out. 

What has been the most rewarding thing since starting out? 

Seeing people feel confident and smiling while wearing my designs is what keeps me going. It reminds me everyday that even such a simple design can have such a huge impact on someone’s confidence. 

What advice would you give to other women trying to create their own business or brand? 

Seize the opportunity to invest in yourself because there is room for everyone in this world. If there’s an open seat, don’t ask if you can sit—just do it. Boldness is required for experimentation, risk-taking, and ultimately building. Don’t ever let anyone stand in your way because there’s always an open door somewhere. 

What are some of your goals moving forward for ADD? 

Short-term: I’ve recently conquered one of my goals of showcasing a ‘Stones + Beads’ collection that emphasizes the colorful materials in the creation. It’s a play on statements versus casualness; my stones pieces are ones to wear alone and the beaded accessories are designed to layer. 

Long-term: I’d love to someday have a beachside little shop, where lunch break can be spent at the beach. An oasis in the middle of the day.

For Empire Coven readers Allison is offering a 20% off code for her ‘Stones + Beads’ collection. Use: EMPIREADD20

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity

Sarah Fielding